2020 Annual Report

Despite the great results achieved in 2019, Baytna entered 2020 with a strong determination to surpass those achievements and make an even greater impact. However, the year presented unexpected challenges that tested the organization’s resilience. The COVID-19 pandemic hit us in March 2020, and we had to work remotely for the remainder of the year. Baytna was quick to adapt all its programming to the pandemic realities. All training and capacity-building events were moved online through Zoom and Skype. Partners were required to develop COVID-19 contingency plans including changing the nature of some projects. Events planned for 2020 were either canceled or moved online. Finally, Baytna had to reimagine its advocacy program. We canceled all planned advocacy trips and events and replaced them with a contribution to establishing the Museum of Activism and two research papers on education and sanctions.

The inability to secure work permits and banking issues in Turkey and Belgium pushed us to relocate our headquarters from Gaziantep in Turkey to Brussels in Belgium where Baytna is registered. The office in Gaziantep was shut down and the relocation happened in January 2021 after several delays due to the pandemic. This will create as well new opportunities for Baytna to engage with the Syrian diaspora in Europe and be closer to EU decision-making centers.

A new corporate identity and new color scheme were developed to reflect the identity of Baytna as a hub and an enabler of civic activism inside and outside Syria. On the programmatic level, the three programs of Baytna continued their activities as usual. In Baytna Inline program, we awarded 5 strategic grants in 5 areas of Syria (northwest and southwest) for a total of EUR 480,000, and 18 small initiatives and three networks for a total of EUR 240,000. Moreover, the program organized 20 training events. Baytna Outline awarded 12 grants for a total of EUR 120,000 and conducted 55 training events. Finally, Baytna Online produced its virtual platform https://syriaonline.me/ , awarded 7 grants for a total of EUR 28,000 and produced 7 video trainings. Total subscribers to the platform by the end of 2020 were 1500. On the advocacy efforts, Baytna continued to be involved in different initiatives including CSSR, EU, and think tank meetings.


2021 Annual Report


Joint Statement of Syrian Civil and International Organizations