Statements & Publications

المنشورات | Publications Rabab Al Boutty المنشورات | Publications Rabab Al Boutty


This research examines decentralisation as a potential gateway to conflict solving in Syria and the constitutional guarantees required for its implementation. The Research reviews the reasons, challenges, opportunities, and implementation conditions of decentralisation on three levels: political participation, development, and community stability.

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2022 Annual Report

Baytna began 2022 with renewed vigor and a commitment to achieving even greater and more impactful results. The year proved to be a success, with the workflow progressing smoothly in terms of legal compliance, as all employees obtained work residencies in Belgium. Despite the challenges encountered in 2021, significant strides were made in capacity building, networking, and training activities.

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2021 Annual Report

2021 has been the year of transition for Baytna. We started operating from our new headquarters in Brussels-Belgium in January and shut down all Turkey operations in September. The COVID-19 pandemic continued to challenge the work schedule. However, Baytna was quick to adapt all its programming to the pandemic realities. All training and capacity-building events were moved online through Zoom and Skype.

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2020 Annual Report

Despite the great results achieved in 2019, Baytna entered 2020 with a strong determination to surpass those achievements and make an even greater impact. However, the year presented unexpected challenges that tested the organization’s resilience. The COVID-19 pandemic hit us in March 2020, and we had to work remotely for the remainder of the year. Baytna was quick to adapt all its programming to the pandemic realities.

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المنشورات | Publications Rabab Al Boutty المنشورات | Publications Rabab Al Boutty

No Common Cause - Division and Influencing Factors of Syrian Civil Society Organizations

This research analyzes the current state of Syrian civil society organizations (CSOs), how they interact, and what keeps them divided. It also gives suggestions for overcoming these divides for the betterment of all Syrians. Specifically, we aim to answer three fundamental questions: 1) what are the primary divisions affecting Syrian CSOs 2), what factors influence these divisions, and 3) what are possible paths towards cohesion among Syrian CSOs?

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2018 Annual Report

Having in mind the great results of 2017, Baytna Syria started 2018 with energy to achieve even better and more impactful results. However, the year provided to be more challenging than expected. First of all, Baytna Syria worked on optimizing its structure by reducing 7 positions to ensure a lean, cost efficient and strong performing organization. The new Org chart will be as [in the report]. Attracting and retaining talent remained a challenge throughout the year.

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